Find the area of the segment of the circle. Leave your answer in terms of pi.

there is a circle with a shaded area that has a 90 degree triangle in it and a 3 next to one soide of the triangle

can anyone try this one

To find the area of the segment of the circle, we need to know the radius of the circle and the angle of the sector.

In this case, we have a circle with a shaded area that includes a 90-degree triangle with one side measuring 3 units. However, without any additional information, we cannot determine the radius or the exact angle of the sector.

To calculate the area of the segment, we need the angle in radians, which can be found using the given information or by measuring the angle directly. Once we have the angle, we can apply the following formula:

Segment Area = (θ/2) * r^2

Where θ is the angle in radians and r is the radius of the circle.

Without the specific values for the angle and radius, we cannot provide a numerical value for the area of the segment.