what are guadeloupe's main occupations?

What is the weather like in Guadeloupe?
What are some fun things to do in Guadeloupe?
What are the travel costs(flights, trains, hotels...) in guadeloupe?
What are the main cities of Guadeloupe?

can u please give me sites for each of these questions, i need to do research, thanks:)








Certainly! Here are some websites where you can find information to answer your questions about Guadeloupe:

1. For Guadeloupe's main occupations: You can visit the official website of the Government of Guadeloupe or the Guadeloupe Tourism website for information about the island's economy and main industries.

2. For the weather in Guadeloupe: The best resource would be to use a reliable weather website like AccuWeather or Weather.com. These sites can provide you with current weather conditions, forecasts, and climate information for Guadeloupe.

3. For fun things to do in Guadeloupe: The Guadeloupe Tourism website offers comprehensive information on various activities and attractions in Guadeloupe. Additionally, you can check travel blogs, TripAdvisor, or Lonely Planet for recommendations and personal experiences from travelers.

4. Regarding travel costs: Websites like Skyscanner, Kayak, or Expedia can help you find and compare flight prices and hotel costs in Guadeloupe. For train travel, Guadeloupe does not have a train system, but you can use local transportation websites or forums to find information on buses or taxis.

5. To learn about the main cities of Guadeloupe: The Guadeloupe Tourism website provides information on the major cities and towns of Guadeloupe. You can also refer to travel guides or online resources like Encyclopedia Britannica or Wikipedia for detailed information.

Remember to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find during your research to ensure accurate and reliable information.