3.What were two inventions from Asia that changed the technology of warfare in western Europe?

So, it should be gunpowder and flame thrower?


What does your book say?

by flame thrower do you mean Byzantine or "Greek" fire?

Yes, you are correct. Gunpowder and the flamethrower are two inventions from Asia that significantly changed the technology of warfare in western Europe.

To understand how they changed warfare, let's briefly explain both inventions:

1. Gunpowder: Gunpowder was invented in China around the 9th century during the Tang Dynasty. It is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpeter). Gunpowder revolutionized warfare by introducing firearms, such as cannons and muskets, which replaced traditional weapons like swords and bows. The impact of gunpowder weapons in Europe, especially cannons, made fortifications less effective and shifted the balance of power in warfare.

2. Flamethrower: The invention of the flamethrower is attributed to the Byzantine Empire, specifically to the Greek engineer Callinicus of Heliopolis in the 7th century. Early flamethrowers used a combination of fire and a flammable liquid expelled through a nozzle or tube, often with pressure. The introduction of flamethrowers gave a new dimension to warfare by allowing soldiers to project fire forcefully over a distance. It was particularly effective against wooden structures, fortifications, and enemy personnel.

To answer your question, gunpowder and the flamethrower are two examples of Asian inventions that had a profound impact on the technology of warfare in western Europe.