Davids poster is 62 centimeters long.teds poster is 7 decimeters long.who posters is longer

1 decimeter = 10 centimeters

62 centimeters equals 6 decimeters and 2 left over so the 7 decimeter poster is longer.

To determine which poster is longer, you need to compare their lengths in the same unit of measurement.

First, let's convert Teds's poster length from decimeters to centimeters.

1 decimeter (dm) is equal to 10 centimeters (cm), so we can multiply Teds's 7 decimeters by 10 to get the length in centimeters:

7 decimeters * 10 cm/dm = 70 centimeters

Now, we can compare the lengths of David's and Ted's posters:

David's poster: 62 centimeters
Ted's poster: 70 centimeters

Since 70 centimeters is greater than 62 centimeters, Ted's poster is longer than David's poster.