emma throws the javelin for the track team. At one meet she threw the javelin twice. One the first attempt she three 28 meter and on the second attempt she threw 32 meters. What is the ratio between the length of the first throw and the second throw?

28/32 = 7/8 or 7:8

To find the ratio between the length of the first throw and the second throw, you need to divide the length of the first throw by the length of the second throw.

First throw: 28 meters
Second throw: 32 meters

Ratio = (Length of first throw) / (Length of second throw)
Ratio = 28 meters / 32 meters

To simplify this ratio, you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 28 and 32 is 4.

Simplified ratio = (28 meters / 4) / (32 meters / 4)
= 7 meters / 8 meters

Therefore, the ratio between the length of the first throw and the second throw is 7:8.