3. Which one of the following sentences best describes paraphrasing?

A. Janette listened to the speaker and took notes.
B. Janette listened to the speaker, asked questions, and wrote a report.
C. Oscar studied Dr. Frost's article and summarized it in his own words.
D. Oscar studied Dr. Frost's article and cited some quotes from it.

this one is tricky I think its B or D


Paraphrasing refers to restating someone else's ideas or information in your own words. Option B, "Janette listened to the speaker, asked questions, and wrote a report," does not directly mention restating the speaker's ideas in her own words. Option D, "Oscar studied Dr. Frost's article and cited some quotes from it," also does not involve restating the information in his own words.

The correct answer is option C, "Oscar studied Dr. Frost's article and summarized it in his own words." This sentence clearly describes paraphrasing as Oscar is summarizing the article by restating its main points in his own words.

Paraphrasing is the act of rephrasing or restating someone else's words or ideas using different words. It involves reading or listening to a source and then expressing the information in your own words.

Now let's analyze the answer choices to determine which one best describes paraphrasing:

A. "Janette listened to the speaker and took notes." This option mentions note-taking, which is a useful skill but not necessarily paraphrasing.

B. "Janette listened to the speaker, asked questions, and wrote a report." While this option includes writing a report, it doesn't explicitly mention restating the information in one's own words, which is a key characteristic of paraphrasing.

C. "Oscar studied Dr. Frost's article and summarized it in his own words." This option directly refers to summarizing the information in one's own words, which aligns closely with the concept of paraphrasing.

D. "Oscar studied Dr. Frost's article and cited some quotes from it." Citing quotes from a source involves directly using the original words, rather than expressing the information in your own words, so this doesn't encompass paraphrasing.

Based on these explanations, the sentence that best describes paraphrasing is C: "Oscar studied Dr. Frost's article and summarized it in his own words."