What explains how to model -5+ 3 on a number line?

Is it start at zero tehn move left five times then right three times to end at -2 ?

Right! :-)

Awesome! Guess I wasn't confused.Thanks.

<g> You're welcome.

To model the expression -5 + 3 on a number line, you can follow these steps:

1. Start at the point zero (0) on the number line, which represents the origin.

2. Since we have a negative number (-5), we have to move left (to the left of the origin). Moving left represents subtracting from zero.

3. Move left five times on the number line, marking the points -1, -2, -3, -4, and -5.

4. Now, since we have a positive number (+3), we have to move right (to the right of the origin). Moving right represents adding to zero.

5. Move right three times on the number line, marking the points -4, -3, and -2.

By following these steps, you would end up at the point -2 on the number line. Therefore, the correct representation of -5 + 3 on the number line is starting from zero, moving left five times, and then moving right three times to end at -2.