
Identify the sentence that contains an error in punctuation or capitalization.

Perry asked if anyone knew the words to "Locked Out."

"Wasn't that in the movie Reality Bites," asked Grace?

Garrison yelled from the other room, "I loved that movie!"

"In fact," he continued, "I've seen it three times."

It's A or D. I think its A because there is not question mark.

Thank You.

I have to pick the one that is pucuated or capitalized incorrectly. and i CANNOT pick two answers.

Both A and D are correct. Which of the other two needs a question mark?

so which one would you go with?

You should be considering only B and C ... right?

Only one of them has an error.

I understand that. I think it is A.

I understand what you are saying now - I think it is B..

B is the right answer. Where should the question mark be placed?

after Bites


The answer is B because the sentence should look like this if written correctly - "Wasn't that in the movie Reality Bites?" asked Grace.