find the radius and height of a cylindrical soda can with a volume of 21in^3 that minimize the surface area.

radius -- r

height --- h
given: πr^2 h = 21
h = 21/(πr^2)

Surface area (SA) = 2πr^2 + 2πrh
= 2πr^2 + 2πr(21/(πr^2)
= 2πr^2 + 42/r
d(SA)/dr = 4πr - 42/r^2
= 0 for a max/min of SA
4πr = 42/r^2
r^3 = 42/(4π)
r = (42/(4π)^(1/3) = 1.495163.. or appr 1.5
then h = 21/(πr^2) = 2.99027 or appr 3

notice the h = 2r

To find the radius and height of a cylindrical soda can with a volume of 21in^3 that minimizes the surface area, we can use calculus and optimization techniques.

Let's start by establishing the formulas for the volume and surface area of a cylinder:

Volume of a cylinder = π * r^2 * h
Surface Area of a cylinder = 2 * π * r^2 + 2 * π * r * h

Given that the volume of the soda can is 21in^3, we can write the equation for the volume:

π * r^2 * h = 21

To minimize the surface area, we need to minimize the following equation:

2 * π * r^2 + 2 * π * r * h

To simplify the problem, we can solve the volume equation for h in terms of r and substitute it into the surface area equation.

First, rearrange the volume equation:

h = 21 / (π * r^2)

Substitute this expression for h into the surface area equation:

2 * π * r^2 + 2 * π * r * (21 / (π * r^2))

Simplifying further:

2 * π * r^2 + (42 / r)

Now, we have a simplified expression for the surface area in terms of r only. To find the minimum surface area, we need to take the derivative of this expression with respect to r and set it equal to zero.

d(surface area) / d(r) = 4πr - 42/r^2

Setting the derivative equal to zero:

4πr - 42/r^2 = 0

Multiplying through by r^2:

4πr^3 - 42 = 0

Therefore, we have:

4πr^3 = 42

Dividing by 4π:

r^3 = 42 / (4π)

Simplifying further:

r^3 = 42 / (2π)

To solve for r, calculate the cube root of both sides:

r = (42 / (2π))^(1/3)

Now, we can substitute the value of r back into the equation for h:

h = 21 / (π * r^2)

h = 21 / (π * ((42 / (2π))^(1/3))^2)

Simplifying further:

h = 21 / (π * (42 / (2π))^(2/3))

Finally, calculate the value of h using a calculator.

By solving these equations, you will find the values of the radius and height that minimize the surface area of the cylindrical soda can with a volume of 21in^3.