1000 [? ] 81 [?] 190 = 10 use BODMAS method

To apply the BODMAS method to solve the expression 1000 [? ] 81 [?] 190 = 10, we need to break it down into separate steps:

Step 1: Bracket
In this expression, there are no brackets present, so we can skip this step.

Step 2: Order (Exponents and Roots)
Again, there are no exponents or roots in the expression, so we move on.

Step 3: Division and Multiplication (from left to right)
Let's start by going from left to right and performing any divisions or multiplications. Currently, there are no division or multiplication operations.

Step 4: Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)
Lastly, we perform any additions or subtractions from left to right. In our expression, we have + instead of + or -, which indicates that "?" is used as a mathematical operation. Therefore, we substitute "?", and our expression becomes:

1000 - 81 ? 190 = 10

Now we need to determine the value of the "?" operation to make the equation valid and equal to 10.

From the given expression, we can see that the desired output is 10. We can guess that the "?" operation is most likely addition, as subtracting both 81 and 190 from 1000 would make the equation unattainable.

Let's replace "?" with "+" and solve the equation:

1000 - 81 + 190 = 10

Now we can simplify the expression:

(1000 - 81) + 190 = 10
919 + 190 = 10
1109 = 10

Clearly, this equation is not valid. Our initial guess was incorrect.

Since none of the remaining BODMAS steps have any relevance to this equation, we can conclude that there is no valid "?" operation to make this equation equal to 10.