Composite figure finding area.

Is this right my answer I came out with is 323.5 cm?


A=22cm x 17cm = 374

(Long side is 22cm, Width is 17cm.)


A = 1/2 x b x h
A = 1/2 x 19cm ( no height given)

So then, I added the rectangle and trinagle sum together and came with 323.5 cm.

I know there is something wrong with my calcualtions. Please help?

what question is being asked

Is my answer right? Also, if not is my triangle formula wrong?

Can't tell if ans. is right if I don't know the question.

Composite figure finding area.


A=22cm x 17cm = 374 area of rectangle

(Long side is 22cm, Width is 17cm.)


A = 1/2 x b x h
A = 1/2 x 19cm ( no height given)
A= 9.5 area of Triangle

I added 323.5cm + 9.5cm = 333cm area of the composite figure.

Is the the right answer 333cm area of the composite figure?

If no height is given for the triangle, you cannot find the area. Does the triangle share a side with the rectangle? Could it be that the height of the triangle is one of the sides of the rectangle?

Your area for the rectangle is correct.

Sorry I added 374.5 (actual calculation of rectangle area) to 9.5 = 384cm total area of the composite figure is what I meant to type.

Yes I see what your saying. The bottom of the triangle though is apart of the side of the rectangle. But just a small portion of it. I knew my triangle something was off.

A = 1/2 x 10cm???x 19cm

The rectangle 10cm is paraelle to 22cm.

I think I figured it out. The triangle.

A= 1/2 x bxh
A = 1/2 x 19 x 12 = 114cm area of for Triangle.

I got the 12 because the paraelel side of 10 is 22 of the rectangle. So the triangle looks like (attached to rect.) it is 12cm.

Good job.

To find the area of a composite figure, we need to find the areas of each individual shape and then add them together.

You correctly found the area of the rectangle as A = 22cm x 17cm = 374 cm².

You mentioned that you did not have the height for the triangle. To calculate the area of a triangle, you need both the base and the height. Since you mentioned that the long side of the triangle is 22cm, I will assume that the base of the triangle is also 22cm. However, we still need the height of the triangle to calculate its area.

Once you have the height of the triangle, you can calculate its area using the formula: A = (1/2) x base x height.

After calculating the areas of both shapes, you can add them together to find the total area of the composite figure.

Please provide the height of the triangle, and I would be happy to help you with the correct calculation.