The elevation of the surface of the Dead Sea is -424.3 meters. In 2005, the height of Mt. Everest was 8,844.33 meters. How much highernwas the summit of Mt. Everest?

To find out how much higher the summit of Mt. Everest is compared to the surface of the Dead Sea, we need to subtract the elevation of the Dead Sea from the height of Mt. Everest. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Start by subtracting the elevation of the Dead Sea from the height of Mt. Everest:
8,844.33 meters - (-424.3 meters)

2. To subtract a negative number, we can change the sign and add it instead:
8,844.33 meters + 424.3 meters

3. Perform the addition:
9,268.63 meters

Therefore, the summit of Mt. Everest is approximately 9,268.63 meters higher than the surface of the Dead Sea.

8,844.33 + 424.3 = _______ meters