If y = 1, then (x + 5) times y = x + 5

Which property does it apply to?

Cumutative Property of addition?

My choices are:
Inverse Property of Mult.
Identity Property of Mult.
Associative Property of addition
Cummutative Property of addition.

The property that is applied in the equation (x + 5) times y = x + 5 is the Associative Property of addition.

The statement "(x + 5) times y = x + 5" does not apply to any of the properties listed.

The properties you provided are related to multiplication and addition, but the given equation involves only multiplication.

To determine the correct property, let's simplify the equation:
(x + 5) * y = x + 5
Since y = 1, we can substitute it into the equation:
(x + 5) * 1 = x + 5
(x + 5) = x + 5

Here, we can observe that the left side of the equation is identical to the right side of the equation. This implies that the two sides are equal, and we have the symmetry property, specifically the Reflexive Property of Equality.

Therefore, the correct property that applies to this equation is the Reflexive Property of Equality, not any of the properties listed in the choices.