Michael takes 90 min to type 5850 words. If he increases his typing speed by 5 words/min. How many minutes will he take to type 10,500 words?

Is it 150 minutes?


To find out how long it will take for Michael to type 10,500 words, we can set up a proportion based on his typing speed.

Let's calculate the words per minute (wpm) that Michael types.

wpm = 5850 words / 90 min
wpm = 65 words/min

Since Michael's typing speed increases by 5 words/min, his new speed is:

new speed = 65 words/min + 5 words/min
new speed = 70 words/min

Now, we can set up a new proportion to find out how long it would take for Michael to type 10,500 words based on his new speed:

new time = 10,500 words / 70 words/min
new time = 150 min

Therefore, it would take Michael 150 minutes to type 10,500 words if he increases his typing speed by 5 words/min. So, you are correct!

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of speed and time. Let's break it down step by step.

First, we need to find Michael's typing speed in words per minute. We can calculate this by dividing the total number of words he types by the time it takes him to type them:

Typing speed = Total words / Time

In this case, Michael's typing speed is 5850 words / 90 minutes = 65 words/minute.

Next, we are told Michael increases his typing speed by 5 words/minute. So, his new typing speed is 65 + 5 = 70 words/minute.

Now, we want to find out how many minutes it will take for him to type 10,500 words. We can use the same formula as before:

Time = Total words / Typing speed

Plugging in the values, we get:

Time = 10,500 words / 70 words/minute

Simplifying, we find:

Time = 150 minutes

So, the correct answer is 150 minutes. Great job!