In I Am Nujood, Nujood says that when her family was driven from Khardji, they lost “a small corner of paradise.” How do the injustices endured by Nujood’s father and brother, Fares, show that life in a patriarchal society can be hard not just for women, but for male Yemenis, too?

To explore how the injustices endured by Nujood's father and brother, Fares, highlight the challenges faced by male Yemenis in a patriarchal society, we can analyze their experiences in the context of the broader social structure of Yemen.

1. Limited agency and decision-making power: Nujood's father and Fares are both affected by the patriarchal norms that restrict their agency and decision-making power. In a patriarchal society, men are expected to conform to societal expectations, adhere to traditional gender roles, and uphold the honor of their families. This often means sacrificing personal desires and aspirations for the well-being and reputation of the family.

2. Financial burden and responsibility: Nujood's father is burdened with the responsibility of providing for his family financially. In a patriarchal society like Yemen, there is immense pressure on men to be the sole breadwinners and ensure the economic stability of the family. This expectation can be overwhelming and create stress and hardship for men, as they bear the weight of providing for all of their family's needs.

3. Inequality within the patriarchal system: While the patriarchy places men at the top of the social hierarchy, it also perpetuates inequalities within male-dominated spaces. Nujood's brother, Fares, faces discrimination and injustice when he is denied an education and forced into child labor. This highlights how societal expectations and cultural norms can limit opportunities for men as well. Fares's experience demonstrates that not all males benefit equally from the patriarchal system, as factors such as class and socio-economic status can intersect with gender roles to compound the hardships faced by individuals.

By examining the challenges and injustices faced by Nujood's father and brother, we can understand that life in a patriarchal society can be difficult not just for women but for male Yemenis as well. It illustrates how patriarchal norms establish expectations and limitations for men that can lead to personal sacrifices, financial burdens, and unequal treatment within society.