simplify and write in standard form


7 p ^ 4 + p ^ 3 + 2 p ^ 2 + p =

p ( 7 p ^ 3 + p ^ 2 + 2 p + 1 )


To simplify and write the expression in standard form, we need to combine like terms.

The given expression is: (2p^2 - p) + (7p^4 + p^3 + 2p)

First, let's combine the constants together:
- The terms -p and 2p are like terms, so they can be combined: -p + 2p = 1p = p

Next, let's combine the terms with the same power of p:
- The terms 2p^2 and p^3 have different powers of p, so they cannot be combined.

Now, the simplified expression is: 2p^2 + p^3 + 2p + 7p^4 + p

To write the expression in standard form, we arrange the terms in order of decreasing powers of p:
7p^4 + p^3 + 2p^2 + p

Thus, the simplified expression in standard form is: 7p^4 + p^3 + 2p^2 + p.