1. hero:_____::actor:actress

2. police officer:______::conductor:orchestra

hero - heroine: actor - actress

police officer - criminals: conductor - orchestra

1. The relationship between the words "hero" and "actor:actress" can be described as a general category and a specific member of that category.

To arrive at this answer, you can think about the relationship between hero and actor/actress. A hero is a term used to describe someone who displays bravery, courage, and noble qualities while an actor/actress is someone who performs in plays, movies, or TV shows. The common link between them is that both hero and actor/actress can be seen as individuals who take on different roles. In this analogy, "hero" is the general term or category, while "actor:actress" is a specific example or member of that category.

Therefore, the answer is "hero:actor:actress."

2. The relationship between the words "police officer" and "conductor:orchestra" can be described as a profession and an ensemble.

To arrive at this answer, you can think about the relationship between a police officer and conductor/orchestra. A police officer is someone who serves and protects the community, while a conductor leads and directs an orchestra during a musical performance. The common link between them is that both professions involve leading and overseeing a group or ensemble. In this analogy, "police officer" is the profession, and "conductor:orchestra" is the specific example of a person leading an ensemble.

Therefore, the answer is "police officer:conductor:orchestra."

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