I am to draft a six to eight paper based

on a life changing decision me or someone in my community has to make. I
am considering writing about returning to school but I am not sure how to start.
Any suggestions.

Start by brainstorming. Then devise a thesis statement. Outline the arguments you can use that support that statement.

Then, write the body of your paper. Write the introduction and conclusion last.


To start drafting your paper about returning to school as a life-changing decision, here are a few suggestions on how to begin:

1. Introduction: Begin by capturing the reader's attention with a compelling opening statement or a thought-provoking question related to the topic. You can mention the significance of life-changing decisions and introduce the idea of returning to school as one such decision.

2. Personal Connection: Share a personal anecdote or experience related to returning to school. Discuss why this decision is important to you or someone in your community. This will help establish a personal connection with the reader and make your paper more relatable.

3. Background Information: Provide some context about the decision to return to school and its impact on an individual's life or the community. Explain the potential reasons behind this decision, such as career advancement, personal growth, or improving community education levels.

4. Research and Statistics: Include relevant research and statistics that highlight the benefits of returning to school. You can discuss studies showing increased earning potential, improved job opportunities, higher job satisfaction, or a positive impact on the community.

5. Challenges and Obstacles: Discuss the challenges and obstacles that individuals face when contemplating returning to school. Some common challenges may include financial constraints, time management issues, family responsibilities, or fears of failure. Addressing these challenges will make your paper more comprehensive and realistic.

6. Benefits and Outcomes: Emphasize the potential positive outcomes of returning to school. This can include gaining new skills, expanding knowledge, boosting self-confidence, enhancing networking opportunities, or making a meaningful contribution to the community.

7. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate why returning to school is a significant life-changing decision. End with a thought-provoking statement or a call-to-action that encourages the reader to consider the benefits of education and personal growth.

Remember to support your points with credible sources, cite any references used, and structure your paper in a logical and organized manner. Good luck with your paper!