In 1800, the area of the United States was 891,364 square miles. After the Louisiana Purchase in1803,the area increased by about 93%. What was the area of the United States after the Louisiana Purchase? Round to the nearest square mile

891,364 * 1.93 = 1,720,333 sq. miles

To solve this question, we first need to calculate the increase in area of the United States after the Louisiana Purchase.

Step 1: Calculate the increase in area
93% of the original area is equal to 0.93 times the original area.

Increase in area = 891,364 square miles * 0.93

Step 2: Add the increase in area to the original area
Area after the Louisiana Purchase = Original area + Increase in area

Area after the Louisiana Purchase = 891,364 square miles + (891,364 square miles * 0.93)

Now, we can calculate the area after the Louisiana Purchase.

Area after the Louisiana Purchase ≈ 891,364 square miles + (891,364 square miles * 0.93)

Area after the Louisiana Purchase ≈ 891,364 + (829,514.52)

Area after the Louisiana Purchase ≈ 1,720,878.52 square miles

After rounding to the nearest square mile, the area of the United States after the Louisiana Purchase is approximately 1,720,879 square miles.