what is the rule for this equation input 5 19 21 6 13 output 15 39

To determine the rule for this equation, we need to analyze the input and output values. Let's break it down step by step:

Input: 5 → Output: 15
Input: 19 → Output: 39
Input: 21 → Output: ???
Input: 6 → Output: ???
Input: 13 → Output: ???

Looking at the given inputs and outputs, we can observe that the output value is always found by multiplying the input value by 3 and adding 10.

Let's verify this rule by applying it to the remaining input values:

Input: 21 → Output: (21 * 3) + 10 = 63 + 10 = 73
Input: 6 → Output: (6 * 3) + 10 = 18 + 10 = 28
Input: 13 → Output: (13 * 3) + 10 = 39 + 10 = 49

Therefore, the rule for this equation is:

Output = (Input * 3) + 10