Please mark below all of the statments that correctly describe the physical properties of glass:

1.Glasses do not have slip systems.
2.Glasses consist of both covalent and ionic bonding.
3.Glasses are brittle at room temperature.
4.Glasses are amorphous and have no long range symmetry.
5.The volume of a sample of glass depends on its cooling rate.
6.Glasses must consist of network formers and modifiers.

I would think this information would be available in your text and/or notes.

Glasses do not have slip systems

Glasses are brittle at room temperature Glasses are amorphous and have no long range symmetry
The volume of a sample of glass depends on its cooling rate

above false

To determine which statements correctly describe the physical properties of glass, we need to understand the properties of glass and verify each statement.

1. Glasses do not have slip systems.
This statement is true. Slip systems refer to the ability of crystalline materials to deform under stress along specific planes or directions. Glasses, being amorphous materials, do not possess defined planes for slip and therefore do not have slip systems.

2. Glasses consist of both covalent and ionic bonding.
This statement is partially true. While glasses primarily consist of covalent bonding, some may contain ionic bonding as well. This depends on the specific composition of the glass, as different elements can form ionic bonds with each other.

3. Glasses are brittle at room temperature.
This statement is true. Glass is known for its brittleness, meaning it is prone to breaking or fracturing when subjected to stress. It lacks the ability to undergo plastic deformation, unlike ductile materials like metals.

4. Glasses are amorphous and have no long-range symmetry.
This statement is true. Unlike crystalline materials, which have a regular and repeating atomic arrangement, glasses are amorphous, meaning their atomic structure lacks long-range order or symmetry.

5. The volume of a sample of glass depends on its cooling rate.
This statement is false. The volume of a glass sample does not depend on its cooling rate. Cooling rate can affect the properties of the glass, such as its transparency or strength, but it does not impact its volume.

6. Glasses must consist of network formers and modifiers.
This statement is true. Glass formation typically involves network formers, which are elements that create the three-dimensional network structure (e.g., silicon, boron), and modifiers, which are elements that modify or disrupt the network structure (e.g., sodium, calcium). The presence of both network formers and modifiers is necessary for the formation of glass.

To summarize, the correct statements regarding the physical properties of glass are:
1. Glasses do not have slip systems.
3. Glasses are brittle at room temperature.
4. Glasses are amorphous and have no long-range symmetry.
6. Glasses must consist of network formers and modifiers.