
47 times 36






To calculate the product of two numbers, in this case, 91 and 64, you simply multiply them together. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Start with the first number, 91.
Step 2: Multiply 91 by the rightmost digit of the second number, which is 4. The product is 364.
Step 3: Multiply 91 by the next rightmost digit of the second number, which is 6. The product is 546.
Step 4: Add a zero to the right of the 364 obtained in step 2 to account for the place value of the 6 in 546. This gives you 3640.
Step 5: Add the two products obtained in steps 3 and 4: 3640 + 546 = 4186.

Therefore, the product of 91 and 64 is 4186.