3. xsquared - 8x - 10 = 0

xsqaured -8x=10

Answer: xsqaured-8x+16=26


I will do it without "words"

x^2 - 8x = 10
x^2 - 8x + 16 = 10+16
(x-4)^2 = 26
x-4 = ± √26
x = 4 ± √26

you stopped and didn't finish it
Where was your "completed square" ?

i don't know what that means

is that the answer

Are you taking this topic in a regular class-room setting?

If you are studying the topic of "completing the square", which was part of the instructions to your problem, you MUST know what this means.

yes, that is the answer.

you could say
x = 10+√26 OR x = 10 - √26

or you could convert to decimals with your calculator.
Leaving it in square root form is considered exact, while as soon as you change square roots to decimals you are dealing with approximations.

that should have said:

you could say
x = 4+√26 OR x = 4 - √26

To solve the equation by completing the square, you made a mistake when trying to find the value to add on both sides of the equation to complete the square.

The correct steps to complete the square for the equation 3x^2 - 8x - 10 = 0 are as follows:

1. Move the constant term (-10) to the right side of the equation:
3x^2 - 8x = 10

2. Divide the coefficient of x^2 (3) from the equation by 2, and square it:
(8 / 2)^2 = 16

3. Add the result (16) to both sides of the equation:
3x^2 - 8x + 16 = 10 + 16
3x^2 - 8x + 16 = 26

Now the equation is in the form of a perfect square trinomial. To solve for x, you can rewrite the left side of the equation as a squared binomial:

4. Factor the left side of the equation as a squared binomial:
(x - 4)^2 = 26

5. Take the square root of both sides to eliminate the squared term:
√((x - 4)^2) = ±√26

6. Solve for x by adding and subtracting 4 from both sides:
x - 4 = ±√26

7. Finally, solve for x by adding 4 to both sides:
x = 4 ± √26

Therefore, the correct answer is x = 4 ± √26.