"Slowly, silently, now the moon

Walks the night in her silver shoon
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Silver fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
Couched in his kennel, like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
From their shadowy coat the white breasts peep
Of doves in a silver-feathered sleep;
A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
With silver claws, and silver eye;
And moveless fish in the water gleam,
By silver reeds in a silver stream."

(a) Describe the "silver scene" in "Silver."
(b) Describe the effects of the moon's walk through the night.
(c) How has the moon transformed this scene?

No one here will do your assignment for you, but someone will be happy to read over what YOU WRITE and give you feedback.

(a) In the poem "Silver," the "silver scene" is described as a serene and ethereal landscape bathed in moonlight. The moon's light casts a silver glow over everything in the scene, creating a sense of shimmering beauty. The trees are adorned with silver fruit, and the casements (windows) of the houses reflect the moon's beams. The dog is peacefully sleeping, its fur resembling silver. Doves are nestled with their white breasts visible against the silver feathers, and even a harvest mouse scampers by with silver claws and eyes. The fish in the water seem to gleam like silver, and everything is still and peaceful.

(b) The moon's walk through the night has a few effects on the scene. Firstly, it brings a stillness and silence to the night, described by the words "slowly" and "silently." The moon's presence seems to mute any noise or movement, creating a sense of calm. The moon's light also illuminates the surroundings, infusing them with a soft glow and bringing a sense of enchantment. This can be seen in the way the moon's beams shine through the casements and reflect off of the silver elements in the scene. Overall, the moon's presence adds a dreamlike quality to the atmosphere of the night.

(c) The moon has transformed this scene by casting everything in a silver light. This transformation evokes a sense of magic and otherworldliness. The ordinary elements of the scene, such as trees, houses, animals, and water, become enchanting and extraordinary when touched by the moon's silver glow. The transformation creates a sense of beauty and tranquility, as if the world has been momentarily suspended in a peaceful, silver-hued reverie. The moon has given the scene a mystical quality, turning it into a captivating and almost surreal landscape.