: Is Scanner Accuracy the Same for Specials? 176 miles on Wednesdays, 181 miles on Thursdays, and 108 miles on Fridays. He wonders if this evidence contradicts his belief in a uniform distribution of miles across the days of the week. Explain why it is not appropriate to test his hypothesis using the chi-square goodness-of-fit test.

In a study of store checkout scanning systems, samples of purchases were used to compare the scanned prices to the posted prices. The accompanying table summarizes results for a sample of 819 items. When stores use scanners to check out items, are the error rates the same for regular-priced items as they are for advertised-special items? How might the behavior of consumers change if they believe that disproportionately more overcharges occur with advertised special items?
Regular Price Items Advertised special items
Undercharged 20 7
Overcharged 15 29
Correct price 384 364

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