Calculate the future value of S of an annuity using the following formula:

S =R(1+i)^n-1/i)
given R=250,i=0.001;n=13
please show the workout thankyou

To calculate the future value (S) of an annuity using the formula you provided, you need to plug in the given values of R, i, and n:

S = R(1+i)^n-1/i

R = 250,
i = 0.001,
n = 13

Now, let's substitute the values into the formula:

S = 250(1+0.001)^13-1/0.001

First, let's simplify the exponent:

S = 250(1.001)^12/0.001

Next, calculate the value of (1.001)^12:

(1.001)^12 = 1.01204536

Now, substitute the calculated value back into the formula:

S = 250(1.01204536)/0.001

Finally, perform the multiplication and division:

S = 250 * 1.01204536/0.001

S = 250,000.9084/0.001

S ≈ 250,000,908.4

Therefore, the future value of the annuity (S) is approximately 250,000,908.4.