john is the age that sally was 3 years ago,13 year old elissa is 3 years older than sally,how old will john be on his next birthday?

John's age = Sally's age - 3 years

Elissa's age = 13 years
Sally's age = Elissa's age - 3 years = 13 -3 = 10 years

Now that we know Sally's current age, we can figure out John's age.

John's age = 10-3 = 7 years

So if John is 7 years as of now, he will be 8 years olf on his next birthday.

To find out how old John will be on his next birthday, we need to determine his current age.

We know that John's age is the same as Sally's age from three years ago. So, let's assume Sally's current age is S years.

According to the information provided, Elissa is 13 years old and is three years older than Sally. Therefore, Elissa's current age can be calculated as S + 3 years.

Now, we need to determine John's current age. Since John's age is the same as Sally's age from three years ago, we can conclude that John's current age is S years - 3 years.

Next, we'll add 1 year to John's current age to calculate how old he will be on his next birthday.

John's next age = John's current age + 1 year = (S years - 3 years) + 1 year

Now, we need the value of S. Unfortunately, the information provided does not give us Sally's current age (S). Therefore, without that information, we cannot determine John's next age accurately.

If you have any other additional information or clarification, please provide it, and I'll be happy to assist you further.