Professor Webb is interested in conducting a study on gender differences and coping with stress. He should begin his research by examining:

What are your choices? What is your answer?

My answer is A.

What does A signify?

To begin his research on gender differences and coping with stress, Professor Webb should consider conducting a literature review. Here's how he can go about it:

1. Identify the research aim: Professor Webb wants to study gender differences and coping with stress.

2. Formulate research questions: He should develop specific research questions that address aspects related to gender differences and coping with stress. For example, "Do men and women cope with stress differently?" or "How do gender roles influence coping mechanisms in stressful situations?"

3. Search relevant databases: Professor Webb can start by searching academic databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or PsycINFO. These databases contain a wide range of scholarly articles and research studies related to psychology, gender studies, and stress.

4. Use appropriate keywords: He should use keywords related to his research topic, such as "gender differences," "coping mechanisms," and "stress." Additional keywords, such as "psychology," "gender roles," or "mental health," can help narrow down the search results.

5. Read abstracts and select relevant articles: Professor Webb should skim through the abstracts of the articles retrieved from the search. This will help him determine if the articles are relevant to his research questions and provide valuable insights.

6. Read full-text articles: Once he has identified the relevant articles, Professor Webb should read them thoroughly to extract relevant information related to gender differences and coping with stress. It is essential to critically evaluate the methodology, sample size, and key findings of each study.

7. Take notes and organize findings: As Professor Webb reads the articles, he should take notes on the key findings, methodologies utilized, and any limitations or gaps in the research. Organizing these findings will help him identify patterns, consistencies, and areas for further exploration.

By conducting a thorough literature review, Professor Webb can gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research on gender differences and coping with stress. This will serve as a foundation for developing his research design, selecting appropriate measurement instruments, and determining the scope of his study.