Helen determined she walks about 1,800 steps per of a mile. How many steps did she take if she walked 5 miles?

1800 times 5 ... simple!

that waz wrong not one of the answer choices that i have here

thanks for answering my question before i start critisizing

Samantha -- you left something out of your question.

1,800 steps per _____?_____ of a mile

i don't know what the missing piece of the equation because i just copied and pasted the question

To find the number of steps Helen took when she walked 5 miles, we need to multiply the number of steps per mile by the number of miles she walked.

Given that Helen walks about 1,800 steps per mile, we can calculate the total number of steps by multiplying this value by the number of miles she walked:

Number of steps = Number of miles × Steps per mile

Substituting the given values, we have:

Number of steps = 5 miles × 1,800 steps per mile

Performing the calculation, we find:

Number of steps = 9,000 steps

Therefore, Helen took approximately 9,000 steps when she walked 5 miles.