Maria has a slice of pizza that is 1/6 of the pizza. Ben has a slice of pizza that is 1/3 of the pizza. Maria's slice is bigger. Draw pizzas to show how this is possible.

Have you drawn the pizzas?

Doesn’t make sense

To draw the pizzas and compare the sizes of the slices, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a circle as the first pizza.

Step 2: Divide the first pizza into six equal slices. Each slice represents 1/6 of the pizza.

Step 3: Label one of the slices as Maria's slice.

Step 4: Draw a second circle as the second pizza next to the first one.

Step 5: Divide the second pizza into three equal slices. Each slice represents 1/3 of the pizza.

Step 6: Label one of the slices as Ben's slice.

Step 7: Compare the sizes of the slices. You will notice that Maria's slice (1/6) is larger than Ben's slice (1/3) even though the total number of slices in the second pizza is fewer.

This difference occurs because the size of the whole pizzas is not the same. While both pizzas are divided into different numbers of slices, it is essential to keep in mind the overall size of the pizzas.