A painter can use the formula A=2/3bh to estimate the Area of space under the parabola, where b is the length of the base and h is the height from the base to the vertex. Calculate the area, in square feet under each arch.

What are the values of b an h?

To calculate the area under each arch of the parabola using the formula A=2/3bh, you need to know the length of the base (b) and the height from the base to the vertex (h).

Once you have these values, you can substitute them into the formula to find the area.

Let's assume you have the following values:

Base length (b) = 10 feet
Height to vertex (h) = 5 feet

Now, substitute the values into the formula:

A = (2/3) × b × h

A = (2/3) × 10 × 5

A = (2/3) × 50

A = 33.33 square feet

The area under each arch of the parabola is calculated to be 33.33 square feet.