What is the wavelength of a 512 Hz sound wave in 20 degree C air?

Speed of sound at 20⁰ v=343.1 m/s

λ=v/f=343.1/512 =0.67 m

To find the wavelength of a sound wave, you need to use the formula:

wavelength = speed of sound / frequency

The speed of sound depends on the medium through which it is traveling and the temperature. In dry air at 20 degrees Celsius, the speed of sound is approximately 343 meters per second.

Next, you need to find the frequency of the sound wave, which is provided in the question as 512 Hz.

Now, you can calculate the wavelength using the formula:

wavelength = 343 m/s / 512 Hz

To get the answer:

wavelength = 0.67 meters

Therefore, the wavelength of a 512 Hz sound wave in 20-degree Celsius air is approximately 0.67 meters.