Can someone please explain how to convert this, sadly I was absent the day we figured out how to do this in class.

(H+1) pH (OH-1) pOH

These are the only answers given, I have to calculate the rest from them.

Ive been looking it up a lot online, with some help but I'm still a little confused.

I don't know if there's an order you have to follow or what.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Im not sure how to edit and it didn't line up right, so Im just going to write it out.

I have to figure the following from the one answer.

(H+1) M, pH, (OH-1)M, pOH

H+1 = 2.5x10^-5 = need pH, OH-1 and pOH

pH = 2.5 --> need H+1, OH-1 and pOH

OH-1 = 5.2x10^-2 --> need, H+1, pH and pOH

pOH = 5.2 --> need H+1, pH and OH-1

Disregard. I figured it out on my own.. :)

But, if anyone has a problem like this I found a really nice diagram on how to calculate. Just go to google and search for "pH problem solving diagram"

Sorry I missed you but glad to figured it out.

Thank you for the response, I understand being busy, no need to be sorry. I'm glad I could figure it out with out help. :)

Good work.

Sure! I can help you understand how to convert between H+ concentration (pH) and OH- concentration (pOH). First, let's start with some basic concepts:

1. pH: The pH scale measures the acidity or basicity (alkalinity) of a solution. It ranges from 0 to 14, where 0 is highly acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is highly basic. The pH of a solution is determined by the concentration of H+ ions present.

2. pOH: The pOH scale is similar to the pH scale, but it measures the concentration of OH- ions in a solution instead of H+ ions. The pOH scale also ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being highly basic, 7 being neutral, and 14 being highly acidic.

To calculate pH from H+ concentration:
1. If you have the H+ concentration, you can calculate the pH using the formula: pH = -log[H+]. For example, if the H+ concentration is 2.5x10^-5 M, you would calculate pH as follows: pH = -log(2.5x10^-5). You can use a scientific calculator to perform the logarithm calculation.

To calculate pOH from OH- concentration:
1. If you have the OH- concentration, you can calculate the pOH using the formula: pOH = -log[OH-]. For example, if the OH- concentration is 5.2x10^-2 M, you would calculate pOH as follows: pOH = -log(5.2x10^-2). Again, use a calculator to determine the logarithm.

Once you have the pH or pOH values, you can determine the acidity or basicity of the solution. If you know the pH, subtract it from 14 to get the pOH, and vice versa.

For the given data you provided:
1. The pH of the solution is 2.5.
2. The pOH of the solution is 5.2.
3. The given concentration of H+ is not provided.
4. The given concentration of OH- is 5.2x10^-2 M.

Based on the given information, it is not possible to calculate the H+ concentration directly. However, you can calculate it indirectly if you know that the solution is neutral (pH = 7) or if you know the concentration of one of the ions (such as OH-).

I hope this explanation helps clarify the process of converting between pH and pOH. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!