How much work is done by the horizontal force F = 150 N on the 18 Kg block when the force pushes the block 5.0 M up along the 32 degree friction-less incline?

give the answer for the question

To calculate the work done by the horizontal force, you need to use the formula:

Work = Force × Distance × cosine(θ)

- Force is the magnitude of the horizontal force = 150 N
- Distance is the distance moved by the block along the incline = 5.0 m
- θ (theta) is the angle between the direction of the force and the direction of motion. In this case, it is the angle of the incline = 32°

Now, let's substitute the given values into the formula:

Work = 150 N × 5.0 m × cosine(32°)

To calculate the cosine of 32°, you can use a calculator or a mathematical software. If you use a scientific calculator, make sure it is set to degrees mode.

After computing the cosine of 32°, multiply it by 150 N and 5.0 m to find the work done by the horizontal force.