mary jogged 5 7/10 miles on monday and 4 1/8 miles on tuesday. Raul jogged 6 1/2 miles on monday and 3 4/5 miles on tuesday. How much farther did raul jog on monday than tuesday.

6 1/2 = 6 5/10 = 5 15/10

3 4/5 = 3 8/10

5 15/10 - 3 8/10 = 2 7/10 miles

thank you

You're welcome.

To find out how much farther Raul jogged on Monday compared to Tuesday, we need to subtract the distance he jogged on Tuesday from the distance he jogged on Monday.

First, let's see how much Raul jogged on Monday: 6 1/2 miles.

Next, let's find out the distance Raul jogged on Tuesday: 3 4/5 miles.

To subtract the two distances, use the following steps:

1. Write the distances with a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator is 10, so we need to convert both distances to have the denominator 10.

For Monday's jog:
6 1/2 = (6 * 2/2) + 1/2 = 12/2 + 1/2 = 13/2 = 6 1/2

For Tuesday's jog:
3 4/5 = (3 * 10/10) + 4/5 = 30/10 + 4/5 = 34/10 = 3 4/10

2. Subtract the distance jogged on Tuesday from the distance jogged on Monday:
6 1/2 - 3 4/10 = 6 5/10 - 3 4/10 = 3 1/10

Therefore, Raul jogged 3 1/10 miles farther on Monday than on Tuesday.