Find the sum of all positive integers c such that for some prime a and a positive integer b,


To find the sum of all positive integers c that satisfy the given condition, we need to first understand the problem and then determine a step-by-step approach to solve it.

Let's break down the given equation: a^b + b^a = c^a.

We need to find all triplets (a, b, c) that satisfy this equation, where 'a' is a prime number and 'b' is a positive integer.

To simplify the problem, let's consider a few cases:

Case 1: If 'a' is equal to 2:

In this case, the equation becomes 2^b + b^2 = c^2. Since 'c' needs to be a positive integer, we start from b = 1.

For b = 1, we have 2^1 + 1^2 = 3^2, which is not a valid solution since 3 is not a square number.

For b = 2, we have 2^2 + 2^2 = 4^2, which satisfies the equation.

For b = 3, we have 2^3 + 3^2 = 29, which is not a square number.

After b = 3, we can see that for increasing values of 'b,' the left-hand side of the equation grows faster than the right-hand side. Therefore, we stop at b = 3.

So, for 'a' equal to 2, the possible value of 'c' is 4, and the sum of all positive integers c is 4.

Case 2: If 'a' is greater than 2:

In this case, we need to analyze the equation a^b + b^a = c^a for different values of 'a.'

For 'a' = 3, we have 3^b + b^3 = c^3.

Starting with b = 1, we find that there is no integer solution for this equation. Therefore, we move on to 'a' = 5 and above.

Skipping a few prime numbers, we can note that there are no generic solutions for 'a' greater than 2, as there is no pattern observed and no solution can be found.

In conclusion, the sum of all positive integers c that satisfy the given condition is 4.

Note: This approach involved analyzing each case manually. There may be more systematic mathematical methods to solve this problem, but this method provides a step-by-step process to find the solution.