Name two institutions/community organisatins that are involved in supporting or redress to the disaster air pollution and explain how these organisations are involved in providing a safe and healthy environment

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Two institutions or community organizations that are involved in supporting or addressing the issue of air pollution are:

1. World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that focuses on international public health. It plays a key role in supporting and addressing air pollution by providing technical guidance, setting international standards, and conducting research on the health effects of air pollution. The WHO collaborates with governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders to develop strategies and programs to reduce air pollution levels and mitigate its impact on public health. Through its work, the WHO aims to promote a safe and healthy environment by raising awareness, providing evidence-based recommendations, and advocating for policies that prioritize clean air.

To find more information about the WHO's involvement in providing a safe and healthy environment in relation to air pollution, one can visit the WHO's official website. The website provides reports, guidelines, and publications related to air pollution, along with updates on ongoing initiatives and campaigns.

2. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA is a governmental agency in the United States that is responsible for protecting human health and the environment. The EPA plays a crucial role in addressing air pollution by establishing and enforcing regulations to control emissions from various sources such as industries, vehicles, and power plants. It conducts research, sets air quality standards, and provides technical assistance to state and local governments to help them address air pollution issues effectively. The EPA also educates the public about the health risks associated with air pollution and promotes the adoption of cleaner technologies and practices.

To learn more about how the EPA is involved in providing a safe and healthy environment concerning air pollution, one can visit the EPA's official website. The website offers a wealth of information on air pollution, including air quality data, regulations, and guidance documents. It also provides resources for individuals and communities to take action to reduce air pollution and protect their health.