The Carsons are putting a rectangle swimming pool in their yard. It will measure 20ft by 12ft. They plan to have a cement walkway around the pool which should measure 4 ft wide. What is the area of the walkway?

area of pool = 20 by 12 or 240 square feet

area of pool + walkway = 28 by 20 = 560 square feet

area of walkway = 560-240 = 320 square feet

Thank you. Our teacher just gave us this problem and did not show us how to do the second part.

where did you get the 28?


To find the area of the walkway, we need to subtract the area of the inner rectangle (the pool) from the area of the outer rectangle (including the walkway).

The area of the outer rectangle can be calculated by adding the area of the inner rectangle and the area of the walkway.

The area of the inner rectangle (the pool) is given by the formula: length × width = 20 ft × 12 ft = 240 square feet.

To calculate the area of the outer rectangle, we need to add the area of the walkway to the area of the inner rectangle.

The dimensions of the outer rectangle can be found by adding twice the width of the walkway to the dimensions of the pool.

The length of the outer rectangle is:
20 ft + 2 × 4 ft (width of the walkway) = 20 ft + 8 ft = 28 ft.

The width of the outer rectangle is:
12 ft + 2 × 4 ft (width of the walkway) = 12 ft + 8 ft = 20 ft.

Now, we can calculate the area of the outer rectangle (including the walkway) using the formula: length × width = 28 ft × 20 ft = 560 square feet.

Finally, to find the area of the walkway, we need to subtract the area of the inner rectangle (the pool) from the area of the outer rectangle (including the walkway):

Area of the walkway = Area of the outer rectangle - Area of the inner rectangle = 560 square feet - 240 square feet = 320 square feet.

Therefore, the area of the walkway is 320 square feet.