Mendel also studied pod color, which could be green or yellow, as well as seed shape, which could be round or wrinkled.

Consider the following cross:

P generation:
Yellow pods with round seeds=____
Green pods with wrinkled seeds=____

F1 generation
100% Green pods with round seeds=____

aa BB
AA bb
Aa Bb
aa Bb
A_ Bb
Aa bb
aa bb
A_ bb
Aa B_
aa B_
A_ B_

In some cases, an individual's genotype could be either "AA" or "Aa" and the data provided do not allow you to distinguish between these possibilities. In that case, we will use the shorthand "A_" to represent "AA or Aa".

Remember that the upper-case letter corresponds to the allele with the dominant phenotype. Use the symbols "A" and "a" for pod color and the letters "B" and "b" for seed shape.

See your later post.

To determine the possible genotypes of the P generation (yellow pods with round seeds and green pods with wrinkled seeds), we need to consider the phenotypes of the F1 generation (green pods with round seeds).

In this case, all F1 individuals have the phenotype of green pods with round seeds. From this information, we can deduce that the genotype of the F1 individuals must be heterozygous for both traits (Aa Bb).

Thus, the possible genotypes of the P generation are "Aa Bb" for both yellow pods with round seeds and green pods with wrinkled seeds.

Looking at the given options, the correct answer for the P generation would be "Aa Bb".