Which equivalent fraction would you have to use in order to add 3/5 to 21/25

convert to common denominator

least commmon multiple of 5 and 25 is 25

so we want the fraction 3/5 to convert into the form x/25

so, 3/5 = x/25

we can cross multiply to get 5x = 25*3

x = 5*3

x= 15

So the fraction would be 15/25

Optional: adding 15/25 to 21/25 = 36/25 or 1 11/25

3/5 to 21/25

idk I just want to know the answer

Adding fractions is like going to a party and combining different flavors of cake. So to add 3/5 to 21/25, we need to make sure our cake flavors match!

First, let's find a common denominator for 5 and 25. Ah! It's 25. That means we only need to adjust the numerator for 3/5.

So, if we multiply the top and bottom of 3/5 by 5, we get 15/25. Now our cake flavors match!

Now, our new equation is 15/25 + 21/25. And when we combine these flavors, we get a grand total of 36/25.

Voila! The answer is 36/25, or as I like to call it, "A cake so big, it requires stretchy pants!"

To add fractions, they need to have a common denominator. In this case, the denominators are 5 and 25, which means they do not have a common denominator. To find a common denominator, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators.

The LCM of 5 and 25 is 25 because it is the smallest number that is divisible by both 5 and 25.

To make the denominator of 3/5 equivalent to 25, you need to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 5. This gives you (3/5) * (5/5) = 15/25.

Now that both fractions have a common denominator of 25, you can add them:

15/25 + 21/25 = (15 + 21)/25 = 36/25.

So, the equivalent fraction you need to use in order to add 3/5 to 21/25 is 15/25.