3 environmental health hazard that cause ill health,crises or disaster within south africa and globally including evidence,graphs,statistics,pictures


Environmental health that couse ill health crises and disastets within your community

Certainly! Here are three environmental health hazards that can cause ill health, crises, or disasters in South Africa and globally, along with some ways to gather information about them.

1. Air Pollution:
- Gathering evidence: To obtain data on air pollution, you can refer to reports by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and South African governmental bodies like the South African Air Quality Information System (SAAQIS).
- Graphs and statistics: These reports often provide graphs and statistics, showing air pollution levels, pollutant concentrations, and their impact on health.
- Pictures: Photographs depicting smoggy cities or industrial emissions can be found in various online resources.

2. Water Contamination:
- Gathering evidence: Information on water contamination can be obtained from sources like the WHO, the South African Department of Water and Sanitation, or environmental NGOs like the Water Research Commission.
- Graphs and statistics: Reports often include data on water quality, contamination sources, and public health impacts in the form of graphs and statistics.
- Pictures: Online platforms, news articles, and research papers may feature images of polluted water sources, chemical spills, or contaminated aquatic ecosystems.

3. Deforestation:
- Gathering evidence: To acquire information on deforestation, you can refer to reports by organizations such as the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or local South African authorities like the South African National Biodiversity Institute.
- Graphs and statistics: These reports often contain graphs and statistics, showcasing deforestation rates, loss of biodiversity, and socio-economic impacts.
- Pictures: Images of deforested areas, illegal logging activities, or shrinking forest cover can be found in various online platforms, news articles, or environmental publications.

Remember to cite and verify the sources of these materials thoroughly to ensure accuracy and credibility.