Often, after graduation, students report that they can barely remember some of the concepts they studied in school. This is particularly true if a difficult concept is introduced. As asymptotic notation is perhaps one of the most difficult concepts to grasp and apply in this course, you may find yourself saying something similar about this week's material after your graduation.

What is your question?

It's quite common for students to experience difficulty remembering certain concepts after graduation, especially if those concepts were challenging or not frequently applied. Asymptotic notation, specifically, can be quite complex to understand and apply in various scenarios. However, there are a few strategies to help improve your understanding and retention of difficult concepts like asymptotic notation:

1. Active Learning: Instead of passively reading or listening, actively engage with the material. Take notes, ask questions, and participate in discussions or study groups. Actively applying the concepts to problem-solving exercises will help reinforce your understanding.

2. Practice: Regularly practice problems that involve asymptotic notation. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and become more comfortable recognizing and applying them in different scenarios. Practice exposes you to various problem-solving techniques and reinforces the learning process.

3. Visualization: Utilize visual aids, diagrams, and graphs to help visualize complex concepts. For asymptotic notation, plotting functions on a graph and comparing their growth rates can make it easier to grasp the concept of Big O notation, for example.

4. Teach others: Explaining a concept to someone else forces you to break it down and articulate it clearly. Teaching others helps solidify your understanding and retention of the material. Consider joining a study group or even explaining the concept to a friend or classmate who is struggling with it.

5. Review regularly: Instead of relying on cramming sessions before exams, review the material regularly to reinforce your understanding. Spaced repetition, where you revisit the material at intervals, helps improve long-term retention and can reduce the chance of forgetting important concepts.

Remember, learning difficult concepts takes time and practice. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't immediately click for you. Be persistent, seek help when needed, and actively engage with the material to improve your understanding and long-term retention of the concepts.