In a band society, who would most likely be responsible for punishing a murderer

What do you think?

Hello Ms Sue. How are you? I am actually reading now. However, I am more leaning to A. Is this correct? Thank you. Anna

How do I know? You didn't post any answer choices!

Sorry. That is a sodality member.

Also: Supernatural connections to political leadership are most closely associated with:
A. bands.

B. tribes.

C. chiefdoms.

D. states.

I chose C.

2/ It is often difficult to identify who the leader is in a foraging society because:
A. you can't tell who is the oldest person.

B. the leader will not wear a leadership insignia or live in special housing.

C. leadership varies depending on what types of decisions need to be made.

D. outward indicators of wealth are difficult to observe.

I chose D.

Ms Sue, are my answers correct pls? Thanks.

In a band society, the responsibility for punishing a murderer would typically fall upon the band as a whole. Band societies are small-scale, egalitarian groups wherein decisions are often made through consensus and collective action. The absence of a centralized authority or formal legal system means that punishment for crimes is usually carried out by the group as a collective response.

To understand how a band society might handle the punishment of a murderer, it's helpful to examine their social dynamics. In such societies, interpersonal relationships are crucial, and conflicts are often resolved through negotiation, mediation, or communal decision-making. When a murder occurs, the band would come together to discuss and assess the situation.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how a band society might approach punishing a murderer:

1. Investigating the crime: The band members would investigate the murder to gather information, determine the circumstances, and identify the person responsible.

2. Gathering evidence: The band may rely on eyewitness accounts, testimonies, and any other available evidence to establish the guilt of the accused.

3. Holding a communal meeting: A band-wide meeting would be convened, wherein every member can express their opinions and concerns regarding the murder. Collective decision-making and consensus-building would be fundamental in reaching a resolution.

4. Determining appropriate punishment: The band would discuss various forms of punishment that align with their societal norms and values. The aim would likely be to restore the balance disrupted by the crime, rather than seeking retribution or vengeance.

5. Reaching a consensus: After deliberation, the band members would try to achieve a consensus on the appropriate punishment for the perpetrator. Consensus ensures that the decision is widely accepted, enhancing the unity and cohesion of the band.

6. Implementing the punishment: Once a consensus is reached, the band collectively executes the agreed-upon punishment. This could involve exile, social ostracism, restitution, or other measures deemed appropriate by the band.

It's important to note that the specific procedures for punishing a murderer in a band society may vary depending on their cultural norms, values, and traditions.