find three sets of values for x and y to make x mi/y min= 4 mi/ 32 a proportion.

To find three sets of values for x and y that make the expression "x mi/y min = 4 mi/32" a proportion, we need to solve for x and y so that both sides of the equation are equal.

The given expression states that the ratio of x miles to y minutes is equivalent to the ratio of 4 miles to 32 minutes. Let's set up a proportion:

x mi / y min = 4 mi / 32 min

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and solve for x. Cross-multiplication means multiplying the numerator of the left-hand side by the denominator of the right-hand side and vice versa.

(x mi) * (32 min) = (4 mi) * (y min)

32x = 4y

Now, we can find three sets of values for x and y that satisfy this equation. We can choose any value for y and then solve for x. Let's choose y = 8:

32x = 4 * 8
32x = 32
x = 1

So, one set of values is x = 1 mile and y = 8 minutes.

Similarly, let's choose y = 16:

32x = 4 * 16
32x = 64
x = 2

Another set of values is x = 2 miles and y = 16 minutes.

Finally, let's choose y = 24:

32x = 4 * 24
32x = 96
x = 3

The third set of values is x = 3 miles and y = 24 minutes.

Therefore, three sets of values that make the expression x mi/y min = 4 mi/32 a proportion are:
- x = 1 mile, y = 8 minutes
- x = 2 miles, y = 16 minutes
- x = 3 miles, y = 24 minutes.