An NGO is helping the poor people of earthquake hit village by providing medicines. In order

to do this they set up a plant to prepare two medicines A and B. There is sufficient raw material
available to make 20000 bottles of medicine A and 40000 bottles of medicine B but there are
45000 bottles into which either of the medicine can be put. Further it takes 3 hours to prepare
enough material to fill 1000 bottles of medicine A and takes 1 hour to prepare enough material
to fill 1000 bottles of medicine B and there are 66 hours available for the operation. If the
bottle of medicine A is used for 8 patients and bottle of medicine B is used for 7 patients. How
the NGO should plan his production to cover maximum patients? How can you help others in
case of natural disaster?

To maximize the coverage of patients, the NGO should determine how many bottles of medicine A and B they can produce within the given timeframe.

Let's calculate the number of bottles of medicine A that can be produced:
- It takes 3 hours to prepare enough material to fill 1000 bottles of medicine A. Therefore, in 66 hours, they can prepare enough material for (66/3) * 1000 = 22,000 bottles of medicine A. However, they only have raw material available to make 20,000 bottles of medicine A. Therefore, they can only produce 20,000 bottles of medicine A.

Now let's calculate the number of bottles of medicine B that can be produced:
- It takes 1 hour to prepare enough material to fill 1000 bottles of medicine B. Therefore, in 66 hours, they can prepare enough material for (66/1) * 1000 = 66,000 bottles of medicine B. However, they only have raw material available to make 40,000 bottles of medicine B. Therefore, they can only produce 40,000 bottles of medicine B.

Next, let's determine the number of combination bottles that can be filled with either medicine A or B:
- There are 45,000 combination bottles available.

Since each bottle of medicine A can be used for 8 patients and each bottle of medicine B can be used for 7 patients, the NGO should aim to produce the maximum number of bottles of medicine A and B.

To do this, the NGO should produce:
- All 20,000 bottles of medicine A, which will cover 20,000 * 8 = 160,000 patients.
- They should also produce an additional 25,000 bottles of medicine B, which will cover 25,000 * 7 = 175,000 patients.

Therefore, by producing this combination, the NGO can cover a total of 160,000 + 175,000 = 335,000 patients.

Regarding helping others in the case of a natural disaster, there are several ways to provide assistance:
1. Make a monetary donation to reputable organizations and NGOs working in disaster-affected areas.
2. Volunteer your time by joining relief efforts on the ground or remotely, potentially providing medical assistance, distributing supplies, or providing emotional support.
3. Coordinate with local authorities and other organizations to provide essential supplies such as food, water, clothing, and shelter.
4. Raise awareness and funds through social media and online platforms to encourage others to contribute to relief efforts.
5. Provide professional expertise or specialized skills that are needed during a disaster, such as engineering, construction, or medical expertise.

To determine how the NGO should plan its production to cover the maximum number of patients, we need to consider the available resources, production time, and the number of patients each bottle of medicine can cover.

- Raw material available: 20000 bottles of medicine A and 40000 bottles of medicine B
- 45000 bottles available for filling either medicine A or B
- Time required: 3 hours to prepare enough material for 1000 bottles of medicine A, and 1 hour for 1000 bottles of medicine B
- Total available time: 66 hours
- Number of patients covered: 8 patients per bottle of medicine A, and 7 patients per bottle of medicine B

Now, let's calculate the maximum number of patients that can be covered for each medicine:

For medicine A:
- Total bottles that can be filled with medicine A: min(20000, 45000) = 20000
- Number of patients covered by medicine A: 20000 bottles * 8 patients/bottle = 160000 patients
- Time required to prepare enough material for 20000 bottles: 20000 bottles * 3 hours/1000 bottles = 60 hours
(Note: This is within the available 66 hours.)

For medicine B:
- Total bottles that can be filled with medicine B: min(40000, 45000) = 40000
- Number of patients covered by medicine B: 40000 bottles * 7 patients/bottle = 280000 patients
- Time required to prepare enough material for 40000 bottles: 40000 bottles * 1 hour/1000 bottles = 40 hours
(Note: This is also within the available 66 hours.)

From the calculations, we can see that producing medicine B will cover the maximum number of patients. The NGO should focus on producing medicine B to cover 280,000 patients.

As for helping others in case of a natural disaster, there are several ways to contribute:
1. Donate to reputable organizations or NGOs involved in disaster relief efforts.
2. Volunteer your time and skills to assist in relief operations.
3. Raise awareness about the situation and encourage others to contribute.
4. Organize fundraisers or donation drives to gather resources for the affected areas.
5. Stay informed about the disaster and the needs of the affected communities to provide targeted assistance.
6. Support long-term solutions and sustainable development initiatives to help communities become more resilient to future disasters.

Remember, supporting disaster relief efforts should always be done through recognized and trusted channels to ensure that resources reach those in need efficiently and effectively.
