what is -430 in scientific notation?

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-430 = -4.3 * 10^2

To convert -430 to scientific notation, follow these steps:

1. Determine the coefficient: Identify the non-zero digits in the number. In this case, the coefficient is -4.3.

2. Determine the exponent: Count the number of places you moved the decimal point from the original number to get the coefficient. In this case, you moved the decimal point three places to the right. Since the coefficient is negative, the exponent will be negative as well. Therefore, the exponent is -3.

3. Write the scientific notation: Combine the coefficient and the exponent using the format "coefficient × 10^exponent." In this case, the scientific notation for -430 is -4.3 × 10^-3.

Thus, -430 in scientific notation is -4.3 × 10^-3.