Why was the reaction mixture titrated quickly? (question fom: A mixture of 0.50 mol of ethanoic acid and 1.00 mol of ethanol was shaken for a long time to reach equilibrium. The whole mixture was titrated quickly with 1.00 mol dm3 sodium hydroxide and 80cm3 of alkali were required. )

To prevent hydrolysis of the ester.

can anybody please tell me the source of this question , i mean the board from which the question is taken?


So that the mixture remains in equilibrium

The reaction mixture was titrated quickly in order to determine the amount of ethanoic acid that reacted with sodium hydroxide. Titrations are commonly used in chemistry to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution by reacting it with a known solution of another substance.

In this case, the reaction mixture consisted of ethanoic acid and ethanol, and it was shaken for a long time to reach equilibrium. When a reaction reaches equilibrium, it means that the forward and reverse reactions are occurring at the same rate, resulting in no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products.

By adding a known concentration of sodium hydroxide to the reaction mixture and titrating it, the amount of ethanoic acid that reacted with the sodium hydroxide can be determined. The quick titration was necessary to ensure that the reaction does not have enough time to reach equilibrium again. This ensures that the reaction is still proceeding predominantly in one direction, allowing for a more accurate determination of the amount of ethanoic acid present.

In this specific case, it was found that 80 cm3 of alkali (sodium hydroxide solution) were required to react with the mixture. This information can be used to calculate the amount of ethanoic acid that reacted and determine its concentration in the original mixture.