Graph the solutions of each linear inequality.


where would i start on the graph and where would i go ? BIG test tomorrow need help asap :) thx

To graph the solution of the linear inequality y ≥ 4x - 3, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by graphing the line y = 4x - 3 as if it were an equation.

To do this, plot a few points on the line by substituting x with different values and solving for y. For example, let's choose x = 0, 1, and -1:

When x = 0, y = 4(0) - 3 = -3
So you have a point (0, -3).

When x = 1, y = 4(1) - 3 = 1
So you have another point (1, 1).

When x = -1, y = 4(-1) - 3 = -7
So you have another point (-1, -7).

Plot these points on your graph.

Step 2: Since the inequality is y ≥ 4x - 3, and it includes a "greater than or equal to" sign, this means that any point on or above the line represents a solution to the inequality.

So, draw a solid line through the plotted points from step 1. This line represents the equation y = 4x - 3.

Step 3: To determine which side of the line to shade, choose a test point that is not on the line. Let's choose the point (0, 0) as a test point.

Replace x and y in the inequality y ≥ 4x - 3 with the coordinates of the test point (0, 0):

0 ≥ 4(0) - 3
0 ≥ -3

Since the inequality is true, you know that the region containing the test point (0, 0) is part of the solution. So you shade the area above the line.

Step 4: Finally, label the shaded region with the inequality symbol y ≥ 4x - 3.

That's it! You have graphed the solution to the linear inequality y ≥ 4x - 3. Good luck on your test tomorrow!