From the story "Cream Puff"

Jen resolves her conflict by learning how to
A.follow the coach’s advice. according to her strength.
C.learn from her father’s example.
D.take a hit on the court.
I think it is B...?

Got this...thanks

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the question and the available options.

The question is asking how Jen resolves her conflict in the story "Cream Puff." To find the answer, you should refer to the text and understand Jen's actions or decision-making process throughout the story.

Option A suggests that Jen resolves her conflict by following the coach's advice. You should look for instances in the story where Jen seeks and follows the advice given by her coach.

Option B proposes that Jen resolves her conflict by playing according to her strength. This option implies that Jen finds success by playing to her own abilities rather than trying to imitate or match someone else's style of play.

Option C suggests that Jen learns from her father's example to resolve her conflict. This option suggests that Jen gains insight and guidance by observing and emulating her father's behavior or approach to the conflict.

Option D proposes that Jen resolves her conflict by taking a hit on the court. This option suggests that Jen faces a challenge or setback on the court and deals with it directly, possibly by accepting the consequences or accepting responsibility.

Based on the information given, it is not explicitly clear which option is the correct answer. To determine the correct answer, you would need to refer back to the story. This could involve rereading the text, focusing on moments of conflict, and identifying the actions or decisions made by Jen that ultimately resolve the conflict.

By analyzing the story and identifying the specific actions or decisions Jen makes to resolve her conflict, you will be able to determine the correct answer.