HOW DO YOU USE "PRIMARY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY" IN A SENTENCE?,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.aWc&biw=711&bih=453&cad=h#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=%22PRIMARY+ECONOMIC+ACTIVITY%22+&oq=%22PRIMARY+ECONOMIC+ACTIVITY%22+&gs_l=serp.3..0l4.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.aWc&fp=f1120bb64cd39480&es_nrs=true&biw=711&bih=453

i know what it means, i just don't know how to use it in a sentence. that's what i need help in.

Take another two minutes and look through those web sites. You'll find several examples of that phrase used in sentences.

thank you! :)

You're welcome.

To use the term "primary economic activity" in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the Meaning: Primary economic activity refers to the main or initial stage of production in an economy, involving the extraction or cultivation of natural resources.

2. Identify a Context: Think about a situation where the production of goods or services is directly related to the use of natural resources.

3. Formulate the Sentence: Based on the context, construct a sentence that expresses the concept of primary economic activity. Here's an example:

"The mining industry in this country is a significant primary economic activity, as it contributes to the extraction of valuable minerals and provides employment opportunities."

In this sentence, "primary economic activity" is used to highlight the importance of the mining industry as it plays a vital role in the initial stage of resource extraction.

Remember, the sentence structure and specific context may vary, but this example demonstrates how to incorporate the term "primary economic activity" in a sentence effectively.